Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association
We Are Your Neighbors!
Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association is made up of residents like you who care about our neighborhood. We are an all-volunteer non-profit committed to making our neighborhood a safe, clean, and well-maintained place to live and raise our children. We represent residents/homeowners who live and work in the area from Williams/Van Dyke Avenues to the San Francisco County line and from the Bayshore Freeway to Candlestick Point.
Join us for our next neighborhood association meeting! Meetings are held monthly, generally on the first Monday of every month.

Join Us!
​Won't you join us in keeping our neighborhood the “the best kept secret in San Francisco?”
As a resident volunteer organization, our work is funded through yearly membership dues. We need your support.
Membership dues are only $40 per year per family and $100 for businesses. While access to our information is free, your dues pay for the cost mailings and digital communications.
Get involved! Come to a meeting. Add your name to our mailing list. Meetings are held monthly (usually the first Monday of each month) at the St. Paul of the Shipwreck Church Administrative Office located at 1122 Jamestown at 6:00 p.m. For more information please contact Marsha Maloof at 415-468-9168.
Our Executive Board
Meet the folks!
Marsha Maloof, President
Shirley Moore, Vice President
Christopher Whipple, 2nd Vice President
Becky Graff, Secretary
Beulah Brown, Treasurer