Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association

Candlestick Park Demolition and Development
Since the demolition of Candlestick Park was about to begin, we have been advocating for policies and procedures that will protect the air quality of our neighborhood. We have devloped working relationships with the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure, the Department of Building Inspections, the Department of Public Health, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and Lennar Urban Developers and continue to work to see that the demolition of Candlestick and continuing development on the site is held to the highest standard. We have been joined by Dr. Ray Tompkins, a retired professor and environmental scientist, and are being aided by the Golden Gate Law School Environmental Justice Clinic.
Successes in our work include inducing Lennar Urban evlopers to properly cover the supercharging dirt piles in the stadium parking lot and improve watering and cleaning practices, increased inspector presence from both the Department of Public Health and the Department of Building Inspections, improved the quality of inspector check-lists, the moving of two dust monitors to more appropriate locations and the addition of a dust monitor by Brette Hart School, and an outreach program from the developers that includes media presence in non-English language formats and doorhangers informing residents of the nature of the work begin done. We have also gotten public publishing of the data from dust and asbestos monitors on the Candlestick and Alice Griffith sites. The data, along with an explanation of what the data means, can be found here.
Currently, particulate (dust) monitors are in place for the Candlestick Demolition project. Asbestos monitors are required by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District during grading work, when the soil is disturbed, because the rocks in this area contain naturally occuring asbestos. Grading work has begun on Alice Griffith, and there are four asbestos monitors in place. Grading work will soon begin on Candlestick and asbestos monitoring will be required during that work as well.